Wednesday, August 27, 2014

"WE OWN THE FUTURE" - Shepard Fairey Paints New Mural On Bowery For The L.I.S.A. Project

Last week, it was all about roof tops and sky high views for us art enthusiasts and photographers as Shepard Fairey created a new mural entitled "WE OWN THE FUTURE" at the corner of Bowery & Broome Street in Lower Manhattan. This huge project was brought to us and organized by The L.I.S.A. Project, (Little Italy Street Art), a non-profit which has been bringing street art to Little Italy and the surrounding areas, creating downtown Manhattan’s first mural district.

For those who may reside under a rock, Shepard Fairy is one of the most famous (street) artists today, most notorious for designing the 2008 Obama “Hope” poster.  Fairey created the OBEY Giant project in 1989, featuring an image of André the Giant.   Towards the late 90′s, his popularity grew substantially and his work was being shown across the country and internationally. This street project became undoubtedly a wildly successful art career for Fairey and an internationally known commercial brand.  (OBEY Giant and the OBEY branded lines of merchandise are sold trough and at Urban Outfitters with sales increasing steadily each year.)  Fairey’s career path, as well as his experimentation with stickers, posters, skateboarding and even music and DJ'ing influenced and inspired many artists who are making art in the streets today.

The new mural "WE OWN THE FUTURE" piece is approximately 30×40 feet and was completed in three days, here's a look at the process and the days events...
Let the fun begin...
Shepard Fairy and L.I.S.A.Project's Wayne Rada
Shepard greeting and signing for fans early on in the project
...preparing the stencils
Mr. Brainwash stops by...
Crowds gathering for Shepard to sign just about anything....each day
Almost finished....
The Dusty Rebel and Martha Cooper
The completed mural....
Signing and checking out the limited edition Hennessey collectors bottle done by Fairey
Martha Cooper and Rey Rosa from the L.I.S.A. Project
And, that's a wrap!  You can't miss this mural, again located exactly at 161 Bowery at Broome St. Visit!home/mainPage and to keep up on the latest from The L.I.S.A. Project and Shepard Fairey.
