Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Night of Art & Fashion, and More Art... Kembra Pfahler at The Hole on Bowery!

Art & fashion couldn't get much fierce than at last night event at The Hole featuring Kembra Pfahler. The event brought all of NYC's finest art and fashion patrons out to see this amazing, beyond elaborate installation by Pfahler.  You can read more about her here: but what I can say is she is best known as the lead singer of the glam-punk band The Voluptuous Horrors of Karen Black.  She is of course well knows in the fashion and art circles for her cult like - haute like looks that have rocked for a few decades.

Some important people and Kembra in the black hoodie thing....
Other important people and Kembra...
The view of the crowd, 1/10 of it!


Jeffrey Deitch.  You know you are at an EVENT now!!!

The show was beyond wild as the Hole was transformed into an the famous French gardens built and immortalized by Claude Monet, and if you missed it you have until April 24th to see the spectacle.
And read about the show here:
I managed to get to six shows between 6-7:30, (Jen Bekman Gallery, Drake, etc.), this was of course meant to be the grand finale as it was north of the New Museum on Bowery and being early even, it was beyond packed.  Nothing but fabulous-ness here my friends, read the articles for more info!

Friday, March 30, 2012

A Splash of Color At Kenneth Cole!


A few photos from Kenneth Cole's windows on Fifth Ave./17th - a little fashion, a little art = a-lot of color!
This is only the 5th Ave windows but I hear Grand Central looks pretty nice too.  I love how most of the retailers are using the concept of art and mixing it with fashion to show off the spring color lines.  

Check out Kenneth Cole's resin necklaces in white, lime and tangerine: Some of my favorite spring (well, all year), accessories at a great price. 
Resin Oversize Link Necklace - Kenneth Cole

A can of paint like those above, again, one of my favorite things. Blurring the lines, loving the mix - happy spring!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

ANDY WARHOL Featured At Uniqlo! Plus, GROUNDBREAKING. The Factory: A Fundraiser for FIGMENT!

It's all about Andy these days, is it ever not, really?  First, up: UNIQLO.  Here are just a few looks from the Andy Warhol Foundation at Uniqlo Fifth Avenue, this before I got told to NOT take photos, (yeah right.)  The Foundation has release a large bunch of images from his ulta-fab, pop art collection such as the soup cans, shoes, butterflies and a bunch of different graphics. So far I bought two but for only $19 a piece I will be buying more, especially since Uniqlo has a very nice quality for the price.  

My favorites bought thus far are entitled " Pop Art Is For Everyone" with yes, the banana and some silkscreens in the background, and an Andy with the skull, all black and white.  Again, I will be going back this week for a kelly green on bright blue nicely cut, "soup can" T next. You can find women's AND MEN'S t's in a huge variety of designs and styles.  The best part is that they were smart enough to do women's cuts so we don't look sloppy.  Nice.  Again, a perfect mix of art and fashion!

AND, if you love/loved, the Warhol and the 60's Factory scene, (or perhaps liek I you were to young to be there?), check out this event  It's a fundraiser for Figment Project, on April 4th in Soho, from 6-10 p.m., entitled GROUNDBREAKING.  ALL Warhol tribute style complete with silent auction, food, DJ's, the works.  Will you be there?

Get your Warhol art / fashion mix at Uniqlo for only $19 a T, or at the FACTORY style fundraiser - or both!

Above: Andy & Basquiat, how I love the shots of them together.  Below: MY photograph of them from the MePa District as done by Mr. Brainwash in early 2010.  MBW has mad love and respect for Warhol and this wheatpaste was life size to honor their accomplishments.
 More photos from Uniqlo will be on the way soon, I'm sure another "Andy art/fashion" post won't hurt anyone!

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Gallery, Or Should I Say Museum Called Anthropologie!

View from above at the cash wrap, looking down, yes - that 's down, huge!         Painted vases!
This piece is around $6k, but you'd need 3 NYC apts walls to hold it! My new favorite thing; hanging artistic plates!
 Welcome to one of my favorite happy places on the planet; Anthropologie. New stores are popping up all over due to their incredible growth and sales, the latest on the Upper East Side in NYC located on Third / 72nd.  When I walked in I thought I was in a museum, or a the least a really large gallery. Once you go, you'll know. Most Anthro stores around the county are pretty artist and unique, but the New York ones are just insane, thus, I give you Third Ave.
I'm only posting a few photos now, many more to come but the huge, beautiful layout with incredible art everywhere is the perfect experience if you love art and fashion. The clothes and hand bags are art enough, but on the walls see many fine works by local and worldwide artists.  The prices are much more - well, a-lot more than say, Chelsea Art Passage at Barney's but still captivating to look at and get your gallery experience while shopping.  
I plan to try to get closer to these works to get the artists names, needed a ladder or something, maybe next time! Many more photos coming and if you are a regular reader you will see the Anthro fashion and art mix time and time again from different stores.
The smaller market store may not be as elaborate but none the less a sight to see, and purchase if you have the moola!  visit:

Tomorrow we visit Andy Warhol at Uniqlo!!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Contemporary Art Now at Barney's New York - I Give You The Chelsea Art Passage, 9th Floor!

 As if browsing the racks at Barney's New York were not enough, now you can view and buy affordable art, yes I said "affordable," thanks to Exhibition A.  On the 9th floor at the Madison Avenue flagship you can  walk to the right - into Fred's Dining or to the left and you'll hit the Chelsea Art Passage, which is one of my new favorite things.    
Upon entering you will see a curated gallery area where about a dozen prints hang, framed with purchasing info on the side.  Mixing art and fashion has never been so easy and so very appealing for shoppers and art lovers.  The prices are very, very affordable ($150-$300 approx for FRAMED!) and if you like contemporary art and want something new, look no further. 

Look at these amazing prices!

(I want #5 above and #9 above that.)

See a few of my favorite prints which include artists Spencer Sweeny, Rene Ricard, Max Snow and Lucien Smith, along with signed books from previous, gallery events.  (Further to the right, many amazing art and fashion books, new to classics!)  And, again just look at those perfect prices, new collectors rejoice!  The works are hanging now until April 16th, and I pray after that they do a new rotation. 

About: Exhibition A (, who brings us this new endeavour is a members only website (simply just sign up), that offers exclusive editions of works by prominent contemporary artists.  Founded by Bill Powers, Cynthia Rowley and Laura Martin, the gallery collaborates with some of the biggest names in art such as David LaChapelle and Richard Prince. (Speaking of which I hope Work of Art on Bravo returns soon.)

This is a perfect combination of contemporary, attainable art that may in fact be easier to acquire than the Louboutin's on the lower floors. Happy art shopping! Happy everything shopping!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

It's Sunday! Bill Cunningham Time, In The TIMES!

My favorite part of the weekend, viewing Bill Cunningham. Each week I look forward to see what will be his theme and I always love it and the views of the city.  Usually near stores or art related places, my happy places.
Happy Sunday!

My NEW Favorite Designer; MSGM - True Works Of Art!


Nothing much makes me more happy than clothes, except clothes that look like art.  Being said, ever since I received this blog posting on, I have been swooning over these beyond artful pieces by MSGM, as is my close blogger friend  I want every single piece, love every look and now have to think of ways to make my wardrobe looks like this.  Mainly as it's an Italian designer, and I know the pieces are very expensive.  Don't they look it! It's like a colorful Chanel / Mary Katrantzou print mix, yes, I'm dying. 

It's been difficult to find much more info on the designer, but I know you can at least buy pieces here: and I'm sure Barney's etc, I'll be checking into that....if not just to go touch them.  Sad, but true.   Not I need to get painting, how inspiring is this!?  Swoon away people, swoon away too.

Friday, March 23, 2012

A Dreamy Discovery from Paul Cassidy!

This wonderful fashion photography today made me fall over upon opening my email from - one of the best sources for art, fashion and design. These images are from Paul Cassidy  at  (Much, much more available to view on his website.) And, a bit of other credited info as these people surely deserve it.  Amazing mix of fashion & art in  a "dreamscape" sort of way, I wonder where one can buy these prints!? 

Post and Colour Art: Cristina DuránStyling: KattacaArt Direction: Pablo Perez SanmartinMake-up: Vicente Oviedo for MAC

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Aritzia In Soho Mixes Classics In The Windows!

A couple photos of the beautiful, masterful windows at Aritzia at 10 Crosby in Soho, NYC. The windows were mixed with a style of the masters in front of flowing fabrics, thus the art & fashion mix I love so much. And, of course I must shoot with the grit and glamour of the city, cabs, buildings, food vendors and yes, garbage in the photo (it's in there!) -it makes New York New York. Visit the Aritzia store and see the museum like atmosphere upstairs, or at Your gallery experience awaits!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

My New Thing: Fashion Photography As Art, Literally "Blurring The Lines."

Top: Alexander McQueen display dress. Bottom: Both taken at where else? Bergdorf's Fifth Ave. For some reason I'm enjoying blurring fashion photography, especially as it "hint-hint" blurs the line on art and fashion. Maybe I'm on to something?  You'll see more of this. Soon they will load on my art site too - icon to the right or