You've heard "right place, right time..." yes, applies here, it was like Christmas! I was able to see first hand how these creations went up and have documented the whole event, which took less than an hour for them to spray, and friends, it's perfectly done. Walker is a serious, true, professional, but you already knew that. Sadly, no more Diane Pernet on the walls but this was an even bigger treat!
See the work going up step by step....
Walker, spraying and to the right....
The crowd starts to gather...(right in blue) is gentleman from, follow them too...
The finished product waiting to be signed....
...touch ups....
More of the finsihed "Allison..."

Ah, there's the signature, complete!!!
More from Walker right next to "Allison"
Bob, (next to Walker's) by Alec Monolopy, with Stewarts signature too...
More Walker's around the block....
The signature...
Packing up....
The guys will be heading to L.A. Friday to do a mural at one of the Boys & Girls Centers, then back to the U.K. For more visit: