Monday, November 5, 2012

Stormville from Bill Cunningham (Fashion) + New York Mag's Photo Of The Year (Art)

I'll find the art / fashion angle in everything. Below street style in a storm and the most brilliant photograph of NYC - right after the storm.
 I look forward to these each week, Bill Cunningham's Street Style collage photos in the Times - and have been for years.  I have them all.  I had no idea he would be out as the storm began shooting photos, now that's creativity and dedication.
Not art, not fashion, just the storm of the century for NYC. This brilliant photo above is from the new New York Magazine and it perfectly represents what the city began to look like one week ago, minutes after Sandy hit. That's not a shadow, that's half the city with power (the north) and the south pitch black without lights, or anything. 
We Love New York.