New Art / Fashion Mix right here: Today's post highlights two of my new favorite artists; Rachel Perry Welty & Cecelia Paredes. You'll see the similarities, I almost thought they were the same artist at first a while ago, similar to the embroidery / photography posts I did last month. First up, Rachel Perry Welty who will be showing at Yancy Richardson Gallery, May 24 - July 6, 2012 (opening reception that I can't wait for on Thursday, May 24, 2012 / 535. W22nd, 3rd Floor), I believe this is a "Vogue prints series" more info on the artist at

Now for Cecelia Paredes.....see what I mean?! However hers are acid free photograph prints. All the info on Cecelia Paredes can be found at - which is located in Miami, but the gallery was represented at PULSE and all the art fairs. I've been fond of this gallery and her selections for a while. You will too as you follow Ms. Paredes, I love these. Fashion, style / art - my kind of mix! Look close to see all the details....
Images found on both gallery sites listed above, no, I didn't take them, I wish!