A few photos from (Art)Amalgamated project space in Chelsea as they presented FAIR, an exhibit by Mikel Glass. The gallery was split in two halves this past weekend during the art fair festivities; one half was active, a manned broadcast studio, disguised as an artist studio representing a wellspring of ideas, the other featured six large screen monitors broadcasting different feeds from a the art fairs, (including various speakers.)
Gary Krimershmoys, (project space owner), & Artist Mikel Glass

The multi-media works in progress....
The aesthetics were akin to the 1970's sci-fi, Steam Punk" hybrid, exposed pipes and raw mechanicsFor more info contact lucas@artamalgamated.com - located at 317 Tenth Ave, bet. 28th & 29th Street, open Tues - Sat. 10-6 pm. Press by Dan Swartz at Susan Grant Lewin Associates, www.susangrantlewin.com