Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Schiaparelli & Prada: Impossible Conversations And "A Different View!"

The event has arrived, Schiaparelli & Prada: Impossible Conversations now on view at the Met.  You've seen the photos of the exhibit or of the book a hundred times already on various fashion blogs, but here is  something different:  MY "extreme fashion window" photos taken at Bergdorf's.  
It's a new, unique look at the event from "my" perspective.  I tend to like the close up's and of course the grit and glamour of the city refelcting, no doubt this will be in my copyrighted book out later in the year!


 International design consultant Pentagram brings her name back into a book-compilation that goes further into details and historical references, in a graphical dialogue with Mrs.Miuccia Prada (same formula as the Met’smultimedia parade). Now we, modern consumer have the chance to visualize her forgotten name, or unknown,  while being associated with contemporary design, think Prada! In my opinion, it’s a relevant document to teach active markets Schiaparelli’s history and vision, desiring more of a wearable impression in the house than a static and dusty one.  Elsa Schiaparelli (1890–1973).

All images strictly copyrighted, 2012, Leanna Valente.

A nice little photo I thought, located on the side of the road....