For anyone who knows me, meeting Marilyn Minter (left) made me a bit bonkers! Not familiar with her? Yes you are - Her images have been everywhere the past few years especially these....
She has been my favorite artist for a lonnng time in which I draw huge inspiration! Bonkers, I tell you. And, another favorite, Elizabeth Huey (right). These fabulous women were also taking in the art at Leo Koenig Inc. Gallery at Nicole Eiseman's show in Chelsea, (works below.) This show runs through June, 30, 2012.
Have a look...
Now over to the Data Trash show at I-20 a few doors down, you know I love to watch people looking at so much their cell. People please...again, unless you are following my live tweets @Valenteartstyle (Yes, more shameless self promotions.)
This wall was my favorite...
Info on the Data Trash curated by Chris Dorland, can be found at: show at A solo exhibition of his work is scheduled for Fall 2012 at Winkleman Gallery in NYC. For a list of artists who represented and details, visit the website.
More at Yancy Richardson, the party's never over. Art by Lisa Kereszi, show in fact titled "The Party's Over." More at
And another of the grand disco ball via Instagram...
Also a few more of Lisa Perry Welty at Yancy Richardson...see my last post for a complete and closer look on Welty...
Look for this Vogue magazine....month? Not sure, will find out!
Over to P.P.O.W. Gallery.....
And on to tonight's events at the Chelsea galleries, I'll be blogging live from ART NOW, 548 West 28th Street , 2nd floor,, 6-9 p.m. Don't miss it. If you do, just come back here for the full deal!